Chimp Shows Forward Planning by Attacking Drone with a Stick

Chimp Shows Forward Planning by Attacking Drone with a Stick
A female chimpanzee named Tushi uses a stick to “attack” the drone. Behind her Raimee is sitting also with a long stick. CREDIT: Royal Burger’s Zoo

An annoyed chimp at the Royal Burgers’ Zoo attacked a drone camera with a stick. This incident shows that chimps are able to plan ahead and use tools as weapons.

They are more clever than they might seem at first sight. Chimpanzees at a zoo in the Netherlands began hitting a drone that was catching images of them. The whole procedure was done via a simple stick. Chimps seem to have a knack of using any tool at hand to get the job done.

A Dutch crew was filming the chimps at the zoo. They decided to use a drone camera to capture close-up videos of the chimps in captivity. While the preliminary test runs were being made, the chimps looked on with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

A few of them took up sticks in their hands and climbed on the logs and wooden beams in their confined area. They do not normally do such a thing. Then the drone started getting a little too close for comfort and that was when the chimps reacted rather viciously.


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