Pirate captain blasts Google for its ‘mystery’ Chrome blob

spy_eye_648Pirate Party captain Rick Falkvinge has weighed into the Google Chrome ‘listening blob’ debate, saying Mountain View silently downloaded an ‘eavesdropper’ to Chrome users’ machines.

The row arose last week, when Debian users first noticed that The Chocolate Factory was dropping the blob on their machines.

Falkvinge rejects Google’s apology, that while the binary file was downloaded without consent, it was enabled only when users ticked a box to use the Ok Google voice recognition search.

“Google has been stealth downloading audio listeners onto every computer that runs Chrome, and transmitting audio data back to Google,” Falkvinge says.

“Effectively, this means that Google had taken itself the right to listen to every conversation in every room that runs Chrome somewhere, without any kind of consent from the people eavesdropped on.”

continue http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/06/23/pirate_captain_blasts_google_for_its_mystery_chrome_blob/

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