Tails 3.4 Linux Distro Released With Meltdown And Spectre Patches 

Linux is considered to be the basis of one of the most secure operating systems around. Out of all the Linux distro options available, Tails is considered to be the most secure. However, due to screwups on behalf of chipmakers, almost all operating systems were affected, including Tails.

As a result of combined mitigation steps taken by the kernel developers and hardware makers, Tails has incorporated the fixes and pushed the new release in the form of Tails 3.4. You can read our introductory article on Meltdown and Spectre for more basic details.

As usual, Tails 3.4 comes with usual security patches and bug fixes. “In particular, Tails 3.4 fixes the widely reported Meltdown attack, and includes the partial mitigation for Spectre,” the release report says.

Other fixed problems shipped Tails 3.4 are:

Source: Tails 3.4 Linux Distro Released With Meltdown And Spectre Patches — Get It Here

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