Daily Archives: July 29, 2016

Progressivism’s Parade of Horrors

On the flight out to the recent FreedomFest conference in Las Vegas, I read a horrifying book, Illiberal Reformers: Race, Eugenics, and American Economics in the Progressive Era by Thomas C. Leonard. It’s a bold attempt to restore our national memory, to explain how we strayed from our nation’s classical liberal founding heritage and embarked on building today’s welfare/warfare/regulatory state. Central to the story is the misuse of science. And it carries an important warning for us today.

Leonard meticulously researches and documents the march of the Eugenics movement, from its roots in the German Historical School of political economy during the Bismarck era to its near-universal embrace by American Progressive intellectuals at the end of the 19th century, to its re-importation into Germany, which culminated in the Nazi holocaust.

Eugenicists identified themselves as Progressives—an association their fellow Progressives didn’t deny. Their goal? To “improve” the human species through policies aimed at selecting out the “unfit.”

See where this is going?

continue https://fee.org/articles/progressivisms-parade-of-horrors/

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Canada enacts internet ban for sex offenders

In its seven-to-two ruling, the Supreme Court banned internet access to anyone convicted of sexual offenses against minors before 2012

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In its seven-to-two ruling, the Supreme Court banned internet access to anyone convicted of sexual offenses against minors before 2012 (AFP Photo/Geoff Robins)

Montreal (AFP) – Canada’s Supreme Court acted to protect children in the fast-growing world of cyberspace, enabling judges to prohibit those convicted of sexual offenses against minors from using the internet.

“The record demonstrates that the internet is increasingly being used to sexually offend against young people and that sex offenders who target children are more likely to re-offend,” Justice Andromache Karakatsanis wrote for the majority in a hundred-page ruling.

The case concerned incest and child pornography. The accused man, sentenced to nine years in prison in 2013 by a court in British Columbia, had abused his daughter between 2008 and 2011.

continue https://www.yahoo.com/news/canada-enacts-internet-ban-sex-offenders-015012734.html

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The CIA’s Strategies to Dupe the American Public

James Jesus Angleton

Recently Paul Craig Roberts recounted a conversation he had with James Jesus Angleton, a former head of CIA counterintelligence, in which they discussed strategies that the CIA employs to dupe the American and global public, with a view to perpetrating criminal agendas, cloaked beneath the lie of “national interests”.  Angleton explained to Roberts that, 

intelligence services create stories inside stories, each with its carefully constructed trail of evidence, in order to create false trails as diversions. Such painstaking work can serve a variety of purposes … Then if the official story gets into trouble, the backup story can be released in order to deflect attention into a new false story or to support the original story.

The strategy of “stories within stories”, and using competing narratives to confuse, to distract, and to lead the public down false paths (red herrings) is entirely consistent with the 9/11 crimes, the subsequent “War On Terror”, and the criminal invasion of Syria.

The official stories explaining the 9/11 false flag are bundled with hidden stories, “limited hangouts”, and “distance from accountability” strategies — all serving to daze and confuse North Americans in particular, to the point where we revert to passively accepting the narrative of the day and the overarching lie that supporting the neo-con war agenda is patriotic.

The first 9/11 story – Story A – identified al Qaeda and Bin Laden as the primary perpetrators, but this story is being supplanted by another story – story B – which features Saudi Arabia as the villain.  No doubt Saudi Arabia played a role in the crime and the on-going cover-up, but “Story B” is also a “limited hangout” in the sense that only a limited part of the story is “hanging out”.  It also serves to provide cover or “distance from accountability” for some of the major villains who are still shielded from the glare of the spotlight. Additionally, it serves to lead us down false trails (red herring) that divert public attention from the hidden agenda of global war and poverty.

The Saudi Arabia limited hangout does beg an important question though:  Will the CIA’s Wahhabi mercenary outfits — ISIS, al Qaeda/ al Nursra Front, and all the fraudulently labelled “moderates”, be targeting Saudi Arabia next?

The same strategy of “stories within stories” is occurring with the West’s criminal war of aggression on Syria.

continue http://www.globalresearch.ca/stories-within-stories-the-cias-strategies-to-dupe-the-american-public/5537635

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Vibrating Boots Could Help Astronauts Stay On Their Feet

This astronaut may need vibrating boots

For All Mankind (1989)

Vibrating boots could keep astronauts from tripping over their own two feet

Walking on the surface of Mars, where the gravity is one-third of Earth’s, won’t be easy. If you dumped a wheelbarrow of rocks into a bounce-house, then jumped in with shoeboxes tied to your feet and a fishbowl on your head, you’d be getting close to how astronauts might feel exploring the Red Planet’s surface.

A pratfall on Mars wouldn’t just be good, geeky comedy. Best case, the astronaut wastes time and oxygen trying to stand back up. At worst, a tear in a pressurized suit can mean a quick death.

continue http://www.popsci.com/vibrating-boots-could-help-astronauts-stay-on-their-feet

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Artist Invents a Tactile Comic Book So Blind Readers Can Enjoy It Too

tactile comic book 2

Civilization has found a solution for people who are blind to be able to read a long time ago and it’s called braille alphabet. But what about books with pictures? Replacing pictures with 3D shapes is one way to do the job and recently, comic book artist Ilan Manouach created his own tactile language to convey feelings as well as objects, Fast Co.Design reports.

He called his invention Shapereader, and it’s based on tactile glyphs called “tactigrams”, which are designed to convey a sense of anything they represent including feelings. For example, anxiety is represented as block of jagged zig-zags, and “to observe” is a pattern of star shapes spread out against a blank background. Readers can learn about every image of patterns in a standard braille next to it.

“My whole visual landscape [there] consisted of layers of dense snow imprinted by different animal traces, leftovers of a frenetic night activity,” said Manouach about his inspiration for this noble invention which he’s got when visiting the northernmost region of Finland, called Lapland. His graphic novel Arctic Circle was born and it included about 200 tactigrams: walrus (a chunky pattern of broken-up boxes), arctic moss (flowy fan shapes) and snow goggles (thin, vertical lines).

continue http://theawesomedaily.com/artist-invents-a-tactile-comic-book/

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MPAA Front Group Slams CloudFlare For Not Censoring The Internet

So you may have seen reports last week charging CloudFlare and some other tech companies with “aiding” internet malware pushers. The “report,” called “Enabling Malware” was announced in a press release last week from the Digital Citizens Alliance — a group that describes itself as representing consumer interests online:

Digital Citizens is a consumer-oriented coalition focused on educating the public and policy makers on the threats that consumers face on the internet and the importance for internet stakeholders – individuals, government and industry – to make the Web a safer place.

And while the story wasn’t picked up that widely, a few news sources did pick it up and repeated the false claim that DCA is a consumer advocacy group. TorrentFreak, FedScoop and Can-India also picked up the story, and all simply repeated DCA’s claim to represent the interests of “digital citizens.”

But that leaves out the reality: DCA is a group mostly funded by Hollywood, but also with support from the pharmaceutical industry, to systematically attack the internet and internet companies, for failing to censor the internet and block the sites and services that Hollywood and Big Pharma dislike. DCA has been instrumental in pushing false narratives about all the “evil” things online — “counterfeit fire detectors! fake drugs!” — in order to push policy makers to institute new laws to censor the internet. DCA buries this basic fact in its own description, merely noting that it “counts among its supporters… the health, pharmaceutical and creative industries.”

continue https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20160724/08181035052/mpaa-front-group-pretending-to-represent-consumer-interests-slams-cloudflare-not-censoring-internet.shtml

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George Soros Should Be Arrested And Charged With Inciting Riots For Financing Protests

There is protesting and free speech – and there is criminal action that poses as protesting and free speech. Protests that turn into riots are no longer protected by the First Amendment, and anyone who funds such activity like a coward behind the scenes is equally guilty of inciting violence and destruction of private property.

Such people should be charged with aiding and abetting such criminality. Enter billionaire businessman George Soros.

As reported this week by The Washington Times, which investigated Soros’ donations to groups that have been spurred to unrest built on racial animosity, the billionaire rabble-rouser has given millions of his fortune to watch American cities descend into chaos:

Mr. Soros spurred the Ferguson protest movement through years of funding and mobilizing groups across the U.S., according to interviews with key players and financial records reviewed by The Washington Times.

In all, Mr. Soros gave at least $33 million in one year to support already-established groups that emboldened the grass-roots, on-the-ground activists in Ferguson, according to the most recent tax filings of his nonprofit Open Society Foundations.

The financial tether from Mr. Soros to the activist groups gave rise to a combustible protest movement that transformed a one-day criminal event in Missouri into a 24-hour-a-day national cause celebre.

continue http://sgtreport.com/2016/07/george-soros-should-be-arrested-and-charged-with-inciting-riots-for-financing-protests/

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3D Printed Electric Unicycle

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3D Printed and Homemade ‘Ghost Guns’ Must Now Be Registered in California

(ANTIMEDIA) Sacramento, CA — California law will no longer look the other way on homemade guns, or “ghost guns,” as gun control advocates call them. Building a gun from parts or a 3-D printer will soon require a background check. It will also require that a state-provided serial number be permanently fixed to the weapon.

Governor Jerry Brown (D) signed Assembly Bill 857 into law on Friday, much to the chagrin of gun rights groups. Brown had vetoed similar legislation in 2014, according to the Sacramento Bee.

“I appreciate the author’s concerns about gun violence, but I can’t see how adding a serial number to a homemade gun would significantly advance public safety,” Brown wrote two years ago, the Bee reported.

Enough has apparently changed in that time; while California Senate President pro-Tempore Kevin de León’s (D-Los Angeles) 2014 bill failed, the 2016 version pushed by Assemblyman Jim Cooper (D-Elk Grove) succeeded.

In addition to requiring a background check through the state’s Department of Justice in order to obtain an official serial number, the builder of the homemade gun is prohibited from selling or transferring the weapon under the new law. It goes into full effect in 2019, according to the Associated Press.

continue http://theantimedia.org/3d-homemade-ghost-guns-registered-california/

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10 Lesser Known Google iPhone Apps You Should Be Using

There are plenty of essential Google apps for your iPhone that you already know about. Think about the everyday utility of Google Maps or the hour by hour use of Google Calendar. There are also some lesser known apps that bring unexpected benefits to little corners of our worlds.

With over 2 million apps in the App Store, it is easy to forget that Google and its little band of merry apps aren’t only about search and email. They are also a bit about education and creativity, which is what this article is all about.

Yes, “lesser-known” is a very subjective hyphenation, but just like the not so obvious Google services on the web, these apps can be surprisingly handy when you put them to the task.

And Google has the pocket to offer them all to us for free.

continue http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/10-lesser-known-google-iphone-apps-using/

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