Lee Camp Explains How The New York Times Manufactures “Hit Piece Propaganda”

Comedian Lee Camp has hosted a show on RT called Redacted Tonight since 2014. While I certainly don’t always agree with his conclusions, he’s clearly a passionate, genuine and highly intelligent American who cares deeply about the country and the people living in it. He believes (rightly), that our fellow citizens are are suffering unnecessarily due to our demonstrably parasitic, corrupt, imperial, oligarchic, corporate-state. Because he possesses such attributes, The New York Times found it necessary to dispatch one of its minions to write an embarrassing, unprofessional and downright shady piece of propaganda about him.His response is lengthy, but it’s also extremely important for everyone to read in full. It provides further evidence that those who peddle in fake news and shoddy, deep state propagandist drivel should not throw stones. The New York Times needs to get its own house in order before whining about how everyone else is so deficient.Below are some of the more outrageous excerpts from his excellent rebuttal. You can read it in full at Naked Capitalism:

Source: Lee Camp Explains How The New York Times Manufactures “Hit Piece Propaganda” | Liberty Blitzkrieg

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