So you’d like children as young as 14 to vote, eh?

Today we’ll dip into the annals of political inconsistency for a moment and revisit an article from Jonathan Bernstein at Bloomberg from a few weeks ago. It was published just as the fallout from the Florida school shooting was hitting a crescendo and pundits, impressed with the activism on display by the more liberal students from the school, began asking why we shouldn’t just let them vote. Bernstein was among them, publishing an article with the simple title, Let Teenagers Vote. There have been some other events complicating the scenario since then and they put this theory into context a bit better. (Emphasis added)SEE ALSO: ProPublica correction: Gina Haspel was not in charge during the waterboarding of Abu ZubaydahJoshua Douglas argues that the Parkland students organizing against gun violence are a great demonstration of why 16- and 17-year-olds should be allowed to vote. See his recent law review article here.This is one of my longtime hobbyhorses, and so I certainly agree. Indeed, I’d go lower, setting the voting age at 13 or 14, although I’m open to arguments for making it a bit higher or lower. Sixteen, however, is to me an easy call.

Source: So you’d like children as young as 14 to vote, eh?

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